Is there any provider who offers free bulk email list cleaning?
Answered answered 4 years ago  • 

Is there any provider who offers free bulk email list cleaning?

3605 views 4 answers 0 votes
I am looking to get my email list verified. I have thousands of emails and increasing daily.
Answered answered 6 years ago  • 

I am looking to get my email list verified. I have thousands of emails and increasing daily. Please suggest some good providers for bulk email verification.

3182 views 3 answers 1 votes
Any ESP that provides free bulk emailing?
Answered answered 7 years ago  • 

Any ESP that provides free bulk emailing?

3548 views 2 answers 0 votes
I am preparing a template to send a marketing email to this list. Do I need to take any pre-caution?
Answered answered 6 years ago  • 

Hey, I just got a list of 30k email addresses. I am preparing a template to send a marketing email to this list. Do I need to take any pre-caution?

3308 views 5 answers 2 votes