Max limit of Hard, Soft bounce and Spam when sending emails ? - Woofresh

Max limit of Hard, Soft bounce and Spam when sending emails ?

All QuestionsCategory: Email MarketingMax limit of Hard, Soft bounce and Spam when sending emails ?
asked 8 years ago

I am sending bulk emails to my audience, everytime I send bulk emails via any ESP (Email service provider) they block my account.
So what is the max limit for Hard, Soft Bounce and Spam complains when sending emails and how to reduce that ration for non blocking of accounts.

3 Answers
Best Answer
answered 7 years ago

If you are getting a high amount of bounces you are at high risk of destroying your sending reputation, you should use an email validation service to remove the bad emails from your databse before sending, emails such as spam-traps, catch-alls, invalids, abuse, donotmail and temporary .

I would personally recommend trying the services of Zerobounce,  you can simply register and you will receive an automatic 100 free credits to test out their service .

They guarantee the following :

96%+ Accuracy rates on AOL, Yahoo, and office 365 email accounts.
98%+ Accuracy rates on everything else.
Also here are some main features:

  • It has built in Abuse Detection – Meaning it will flag emails addresses known for clicking the spam button.
  • It has spam trap detection – Contrary to popular believe that all spam traps are not detectable. It’s simply untrue, there are many spam filters that will auto-reply that the email is a spam-trap and you email it again, you’re blacklisted.
  • Data Appends – This is amazing, they will tell you the first name, last name, and gender for the majority of your emails – What other company does that?
  • IP Location – If you upload the IP address, it will append the location the email was captured from.
  • Disposable/Temporary Email Detection – If an email is a temporary email address it will tell you, those are not worth mailing too.
  • Catch-All Detection – Meaning the email address can be good/bad – these addresses will always verify as valid.
  • Do Not Mail – Role based emails and emails from spam companies fall into this category.
  • API – You can interface with their API and do validations from your registration


answered 8 years ago

If you want to be on the safer side while sending bulk emails then you must follow these limits.

Hard and Soft Bounce combined must be less than 8% and spam complaints must be lower than .15%

This is the industry standard.

answered 8 years ago

Well, it seems that you should use an email list cleaning service. If these are legit subscribers, the list probably is old and needs to remove all of the non-existant emails.

For the statistics, standarts are:

  • Less than 0.15% spam complaint rate;
  • Less than 5% bounce rate;
  • Less than 1% unsubscribe rate.
3 Answers
Best Answer
answered 7 years ago

If you are getting a high amount of bounces you are at high risk of destroying your sending reputation, you should use an email validation service to remove the bad emails from your databse before sending, emails such as spam-traps, catch-alls, invalids, abuse, donotmail and temporary .

I would personally recommend trying the services of Zerobounce,  you can simply register and you will receive an automatic 100 free credits to test out their service .

They guarantee the following :

96%+ Accuracy rates on AOL, Yahoo, and office 365 email accounts.
98%+ Accuracy rates on everything else.
Also here are some main features:

  • It has built in Abuse Detection – Meaning it will flag emails addresses known for clicking the spam button.
  • It has spam trap detection – Contrary to popular believe that all spam traps are not detectable. It’s simply untrue, there are many spam filters that will auto-reply that the email is a spam-trap and you email it again, you’re blacklisted.
  • Data Appends – This is amazing, they will tell you the first name, last name, and gender for the majority of your emails – What other company does that?
  • IP Location – If you upload the IP address, it will append the location the email was captured from.
  • Disposable/Temporary Email Detection – If an email is a temporary email address it will tell you, those are not worth mailing too.
  • Catch-All Detection – Meaning the email address can be good/bad – these addresses will always verify as valid.
  • Do Not Mail – Role based emails and emails from spam companies fall into this category.
  • API – You can interface with their API and do validations from your registration


answered 8 years ago

If you want to be on the safer side while sending bulk emails then you must follow these limits.

Hard and Soft Bounce combined must be less than 8% and spam complaints must be lower than .15%

This is the industry standard.

answered 8 years ago

Well, it seems that you should use an email list cleaning service. If these are legit subscribers, the list probably is old and needs to remove all of the non-existant emails.

For the statistics, standarts are:

  • Less than 0.15% spam complaint rate;
  • Less than 5% bounce rate;
  • Less than 1% unsubscribe rate.