Any surety that my emails will appear properly on different devices?
Answered answered 7 years ago  • 

Any surety that my emails will appear properly on different devices?

2886 views 2 answers 2 votes
Please explain the working of A/B Testing Campaigns for email marketing?
Answered answered 7 years ago  • 

What is A/B Testing Campaigns and how can it work for email marketing?

2607 views 2 answers 2 votes
Tools for collecting subscription billing & recurring payment solution.
Answered answered 6 years ago  • 

What tool do you use to collect recurring payments / manage subscriptions ?

3876 views 8 answers 3 votes
Tell me some of the easiest ways through which I can increase open & click rates of my emails?
Answered answered 7 years ago  • 

Tell me some of the easiest ways through which I can increase open & click rates of my emails?

4823 views 8 answers 4 votes
I have to send emails in bulk. Can anyone suggest me a high speed delivery SMTP server?
Answered answered 7 years ago  • 

I want to send approx 7 Lakh emails per month, therefore, I'm looking for a fastest SMTP server. Please suggest me the best SMTP relay.

5800 views 7 answers 3 votes
How do I check if an email address is valid without sending anything to it?
Answered answered 6 years ago  • 

2264 views 2 answers 1 votes
Can I start email marketing for free?
Answered answered 6 years ago  • 

I'm not sure that this strategy will work for my business or not. So, I'm looking for some free email marketing tool just for a trial.

4271 views 5 answers 3 votes
What is CTR and how can I improve it to get better email marketing campaign?
Answered answered 6 years ago  • 

What should be the standard percentage of CTR?

3638 views 4 answers 2 votes
How can I use Contact Form on my website to grow my email list?
Answered answered 6 years ago  • 

How can I use Contact Form on my website to grow my email list?

2394 views 2 answers 1 votes
What is the best & worst day of sending emails?
Answered answered 6 years ago  • 

I heard that Tuesday is the best way to get responses. So should I contact on Tuesday or before Tuesday?

3754 views 4 answers 3 votes
SMTP Server for Bulk Email Relay Service
Answered answered 7 years ago  • 

Can any one suggest good SMTP services that are available to send bulk emails in millions. Please suggest service that have good inbox ratio

44514 views 1 answers 3 votes
What is the difference between single opt-in & double-opt-in?
Answered answered 6 years ago  • 

What is the difference between single opt-in & double-opt-in?

3689 views 3 answers 2 votes
Any video tutorial course available to learn Email Marketing?
Answered answered 6 years ago  • 

Any Video tutorial course available for learning email marketing?

3223 views 3 answers 3 votes
Does conversion rate alters by "opt-in email address"?
Answered answered 6 years ago  • 

Does conversion rate alters by "opt-in email address"?

3383 views 3 answers 3 votes
Any tool that handles one time & recurring payments?
Answered answered 6 years ago  • 

Any tool that handles one time & recurring payments?

3274 views 4 answers 3 votes