Does anybody know the strategy of increasing the recurring revenue? - Woofresh

Does anybody know the strategy of increasing the recurring revenue?

All QuestionsCategory: PaymentsDoes anybody know the strategy of increasing the recurring revenue?
asked 7 years ago

Does anybody know the strategy of increasing the recurring revenue?

1 Answers
answered 7 years ago

Increasing revenue is the most important aspect for any business and when you want to increase the recurring revenue, you can do it with SaaS, now broadly speaking SaaS is any software that works on a subscription basis.Just for the reason that SaaS follows a monthly behavior of the money rotation, it is the easiest way of increasing your recurring revenue.

Secondly, you can also go for the affiliate subscriptions, so the affiliates are the most modern approach to increase the revenue, by which you can direct your customers to fall into the products or the services which are most selled on your site, because what happens is when a person get to the benefits of a product or service their acquaintances they tend to trust them more.

Lastly, you can create service plans and retainers as well, so for example, if you have a renewal service that needs to be triggered after a certain period of time, so instead of approaching each and every customer individually, you can create service or product packages, what it will do is the ENGAGEMENT, engaging the customers throughout the phase and you will not be required to quote a new service or plan every time, plus, you can offer discounts and the customers will be trapped in your regular purchasing of products and services offered by you.

1 Answers
answered 7 years ago

Increasing revenue is the most important aspect for any business and when you want to increase the recurring revenue, you can do it with SaaS, now broadly speaking SaaS is any software that works on a subscription basis.Just for the reason that SaaS follows a monthly behavior of the money rotation, it is the easiest way of increasing your recurring revenue.

Secondly, you can also go for the affiliate subscriptions, so the affiliates are the most modern approach to increase the revenue, by which you can direct your customers to fall into the products or the services which are most selled on your site, because what happens is when a person get to the benefits of a product or service their acquaintances they tend to trust them more.

Lastly, you can create service plans and retainers as well, so for example, if you have a renewal service that needs to be triggered after a certain period of time, so instead of approaching each and every customer individually, you can create service or product packages, what it will do is the ENGAGEMENT, engaging the customers throughout the phase and you will not be required to quote a new service or plan every time, plus, you can offer discounts and the customers will be trapped in your regular purchasing of products and services offered by you.