Amazon SES - Cost Effective Email Service - Woofresh

Amazon SES – Cost Effective Email Service

All QuestionsCategory: Email MarketingAmazon SES – Cost Effective Email Service
asked 7 years ago

What should I use to connect Amazon SES to send bulk emails.

I want excellent solution where I can send 10 million emails every month.

1 Answers
answered 7 years ago

I've been using MailMule‘s hosted Sendy service for exactly this type of situation. You can always look at taking Sendy directly (in which case hosting etc you will need to take care of).

There's very few high quality tools that tie-in with SES as well as mailmule does. The best thing I felt was that it's an integrated email validation platform – which means I can clean my list and send the blast immediately thereafter.

Hope that helps!

1 Answers
answered 7 years ago

I've been using MailMule‘s hosted Sendy service for exactly this type of situation. You can always look at taking Sendy directly (in which case hosting etc you will need to take care of).

There's very few high quality tools that tie-in with SES as well as mailmule does. The best thing I felt was that it's an integrated email validation platform – which means I can clean my list and send the blast immediately thereafter.

Hope that helps!