2CheckOut Closed My account - Lost All My Recurring Payments - Woofresh

2CheckOut Closed My account – Lost All My Recurring Payments

All QuestionsCategory: Payments2CheckOut Closed My account – Lost All My Recurring Payments
asked 7 years ago

2Checkout closed my account without any notice and I lost all my recurring payments, What should I do now?

1 Answers
answered 7 years ago

Sorry to hear that.  Let me reassure you that you are not alone.  That's why I strongly advocate for people to use an agnostic service that will vault their cardholder data (before a disaster happens).

After a disaster happens, there are some providers that will be able to extract data from certain 3rd parties on behalf of their merchants.  Find a new provider that may take on your business.

1 Answers
answered 7 years ago

Sorry to hear that.  Let me reassure you that you are not alone.  That's why I strongly advocate for people to use an agnostic service that will vault their cardholder data (before a disaster happens).

After a disaster happens, there are some providers that will be able to extract data from certain 3rd parties on behalf of their merchants.  Find a new provider that may take on your business.