What email you suggest for past due final payment notification ? - Woofresh

What email you suggest for past due final payment notification ?

All QuestionsCategory: PaymentsWhat email you suggest for past due final payment notification ?
asked 7 years ago

Looking for some great copy text for accounts that are past due final payment notification?



Your {{product-name}} account is nearing suspension [payment required]


Our previous three attempts to charge your credit card ({{cc-type}} {{cc-last-4}}) ${{amount}} for {{product-name}} service have failed with {{decline-message}}. Update your credit card within the next 48 hours or we will be forced to suspend your {{product-name}} account.

2 Answers
answered 7 years ago

Your email is good just few points.

  1. Give the payment link page where they can update their credit cards. – Important
  2. Be more polite while writing email ask them, if they are getting any problem with credit card update. Your team will help your users to update their payment information.
answered 7 years ago

Agreed with above points.

Sometime we collect payment via different name and service is with some different name. So I suggest to use your service logo when sending emails. As this help customers to recognized your service and change become more that user will update credit cards.

2 Answers
answered 7 years ago

Your email is good just few points.

  1. Give the payment link page where they can update their credit cards. – Important
  2. Be more polite while writing email ask them, if they are getting any problem with credit card update. Your team will help your users to update their payment information.
answered 7 years ago

Agreed with above points.

Sometime we collect payment via different name and service is with some different name. So I suggest to use your service logo when sending emails. As this help customers to recognized your service and change become more that user will update credit cards.